Star Command Wiki
Class: Small
Max Crew: 12
Weapon Rooms: 2
Small Rooms: 2
Large Rooms: 0


The Small Armstrong Class, or simply "Armstrong," is a light ship the player receives at the beginning of the game.

The Armstrong is a small ship with enough room for two weapon decks and two Engineering/Science decks. It comes preequipped with a Bridge and an Engine Room. The Armstrong starts with only one crew member (the player) and more crewmen must be hired.

Interior Layout []

Armstrong Builds[]

  • Obviously, Armstrong does not have a lot of room to spare. Only the absolute basic rooms should be allowed here, namely, dodge and healing rooms.
  • The Armstrong is a good ship for people who are not amazing at handling large ships, and it is easier to maintain than others

Notable Examples[]

The S.C.V. Virtue is an Armstrong Class ship, commanded by Captain Renaerel Platt.


  • Named after famous astronaut, Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon.